Doctor of Pharmacy / Pharm.D
Strategic and operational expertise in Investor / Analyst relations, and in financial communication
Development of training courses for Corporate Finance skills and for financial communication
Executive management of cross-functional multicultural teams
English / French
- Doctor of Pharmacy / Pharm.D
- Strategic and operational expertise in Investor / Analyst relations, and in financial communication
- Development of training courses for Corporate Finance skills and for financial communication
- Executive management of cross-functional multicultural teams
- English / French
– – – – – – – - Why PM. BRINGER CONSULTING – more
Why PM. Bringer Consulting
Over 35 years in the Pharmaceutical industry, in many different roles: investor relations, communication, business development, strategic planning, marketing & sales …
… I met and worked with fascinating professionals, inspired by the unknown, passionate about preparing the future, professionals ready to reinvent medicine and the world, while helping society to get ready for it with conviction but with humility
… I also met brilliant individuals but incapable of structuring their communication and that of their teams, as soon as they left their professional comfort zone or their area of expertise
Based on these observations, reinforced by numerous recent discussions with investors, analysts and directors, I decided at this stage of my career to create PM.Bringer Consulting with:
- the ambition to help biopharmaceutical executives to improve the quality and reliability, and therefore the efficiency, of their financial communication
- the idea of sharing my experiences with biotechs and students, especially in Pharmacy
Since January 2022
Senior Advisor to the President – since Oct. ’22
StarkAge Therapeutics
Interim part-time Chief Executive Officer (CEO) – until Oct. ’22
StarkAge Therapeutics
French biotech harnessing immunotherapy against age-related diseases associated with senescent cells accumulation
Since January 2022
Member of the Scientific Advisory Board : fund “NOV Santé – Actions Cotées”
Tocqueville Finance
Since April 2021
Member of the Corporate Finance commission
France Biotech
Creation and animation of an Investor Relations working group
Since 2020
President and founder
Strategic financial communication consultant / investor relations
- helping Biotech executives improve the efficiency of their communication with the capital market, maximizing its impact, while remaining compliant
2007 – 2020
Investor Relations Officer
Novartis – Basel
Relations with equity analysts and investors
- establish and maintain professional relationships with sell-side and buy-side analysts and with investors, help them further deepen their understanding of Novartis data and Equity Story, answer their questions
- organize and conduct international roadshows, alone or with Executives
- present at bank conferences in plenary session or group meetings, alone or with Executives
Public speaking training for new spokespersons
- over 40 executives trained and prepared for public speaking in the context of IR activities, mostly Executive Committee members, and Heads of Franchises and Development Units, or large geographies
- specificities of financial communication in Pharma
- market actors, and practical implications
- legal context, DOs and DON’Ts
- support development of key messages specific to each speaker in their respective role
- rehearsal of questions and answers (Q&A) and of the Elevator pitch
- live coaching on the road for the first event(s)
Training of new “IR contributors” to the IR function, its purpose and needs
- help IR Contributors (strategic assistant, project team leaders, franchise, communication …) understand the challenges and specific needs of the IR function (Q&A, slides, investors meetings …) at Novartis
- facilitate the integration of our new IR managers
Financial communication tools
- analyse and prepare external communication of partnership and M&A projects with biotechs (eg Alcon, AveXis, The Medicines Company, etc.)
- contribute to the preparation of press releases, Q&A, quarterly slide decks or newsflow related
- participate in the definition, organization and preparation of Capital Market Days
Scientific expertise
- acquire and develop IR required scientific and clinical knowledge with the Development and Medical teams, adapt it for Financial Communication purposes, and train the entire IR team on it
- attend key global medical congresses in relation to our franchises, engage with KOLs and presenters and obtain their perspectives on our and competitors data
1985 – 2007
2004 – 2007 Individual shareholders relations
Aventis, now Sanofi – Strasbourg / Paris
2002 – 2004 Financial function development / High potential training
Aventis, now Sanofi – Francfort / Strasbourg
2000 – 2003 Strategic Business plan
Aventis, now Sanofi – Francfort
1999 – 2000 Integration Officer
HMR, now Sanofi – Bridgewater, USA / Francfort
OTHERS • Global Marketing processes and planning (Bridgewater, USA)
– commercial economic evaluation of Business Development projects
• Marketing director Germany (Berlin)
• Marketing research Europe (Zurich)
• Product Manager France (Paris)
• Medical Rep. (Paris)
1983 Doctor of Pharmacy / Pharm.D. (Diplôme d’Etat de Docteur en Pharmacie)
- Thesis « Logiciel d’orientation aux tests statistiques »
1982 – 1983 Founder and 1st President of the student association ALEE Paris
Since January 2022
Senior Advisor to the President – since Oct. ’22
Interim part-time Chief Executive Officer (CEO) – until Oct. ’22
French biotech harnessing immunotherapy against age-related diseases associated with senescent cells accumulation
Since January 2022
Member of the Scientific Advisory Board : fund “NOV Santé – Actions Cotées”
Since April 2021
Member of the Corporate Finance commission
Creation and animation of an Investor Relations working group
Since 2020
President and founder
Strategic financial communication consultant / investor relations
- help Biotech executives improve the efficiency of their communication with the capital market, maximizing its impact, while remaining compliant
2007 – 2020
Investor Relations Officer
Relations with equity analysts and investors
- establish and maintain professional relationships with sell-side and buy-side analysts and with investors, help them further deepen their understanding of Novartis data and Equity Story, answer their questions
- organize and conduct international roadshows, alone or with Executives
- present at bank conferences in plenary session or group meetings, alone or with Executives
Public speaking training for new spokespersons
- over 40 trained and prepared for public speaking in the IR context, mostly of the Executive Committee members, and Heads of franchises or large geographies
- specificities of financial communication in Pharma
- market actors, and practical implications
- legal context, DOs and DON’Ts
- support development of key messages specific to each speaker in their respective role
- rehearsal of questions and answers (Q&A) and of the Elevator pitch
- live coaching on the road for the first event(s)
Training of new “IR contributors” to the IR function, its purpose and needs
- help IR Contributors (strategic assistant, project team leaders, franchise, communication …) understand the challenges and specific needs of the IR function (Q&A, slides, investors meetings …) at Novartis
- facilitate the integration of our newly appointed IR managers
Financial communication tools
- analyse Business Development and M&A projects (eg Alcon, AveXis, The Medicines Company, etc.), develop IR communication plan and prepare communication material (conference calls, etc.)
- contribute to the preparation of press releases, Q&A, quarterly slide decks or newsflow related
- participate in the definition, organization and preparation of Capital Market Days
Scientific expertise
- acquire and develop required scientific and clinical expertise with the Development and Medical teams, adapt it for Financial Communication purposes, and train the entire IR team on it
- attend key global medical congresses in relation to our franchises, engage with KOLs and presenters and obtain their perspectives on our and competitors data
1985 – 2007
2004 – 2007 Individual shareholders relations
Aventis, now Sanofi – Strasbourg / Paris
2002 – 2004 Financial function development / High potential training
Aventis, now Sanofi – Francfort / Strasbourg
2000 – 2003 Strategic Business plan
Aventis, now Sanofi – Francfort
1999 – 2000 Integration Officer
HMR, now Sanofi – Bridgewater, USA / Francfort
OTHERS • Global Marketing processes and planning (Bridgewater, USA)
– eNPV
• Marketing director Germany (Berlin)
• Marketing research Europe (Zurich)
• Product Manager France (Paris)
• Medical Rep. (Paris)
1983 Doctor of Pharmacy / Pharm.D. (Diplôme d’Etat de Docteur en Pharmacie)
- Thesis « Logiciel d’orientation aux tests statistiques »